IDE untuk pengembangan FLEX dan AIR
1 komentar Published Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009 by TB Saepul Anwar in AIR, flexBerikut IDE untuk pengembangan FLEX dan AIR :
- Flex Builder (commercial license and free for academics -
- FlashDevelop (Open Source, only windows version)
- FDT (commercial license)
- IntelliJ IDEA 8.0 (commercial license)
- Aptana (free and commercial versions)
- Tofino (Free)
- Amethyst Personal Edition (Free)
- FlexBean (Open Source)
- AXDT (Open Source)
- Tour de Flex (Flex capabilities demo app
Framework MVC di Flex dan AIR
0 komentar Published Jumat, 27 Februari 2009 by TB Saepul Anwar in AIR, flex
- Cairngorm (Adobe Open Source)
- PureMVC (Open Source),
- Mate (Open Source)
- Swiz (Open Source)
Swiz is a framework for Adobe Flex that aims to bring complete simplicity to RIA development. Swiz provides Inversion of Control, event handing, and simple life cycle for asynchronous remote methods. In contrast to other major frameworks for Flex, Swiz imposes no JEE patterns on your code, no repetitive folder layouts, and no boilerplate code on your development. Swiz represents best practices learned from the top RIA developers at some of the best consulting firms in the industry, enabling Swiz to be simple, lightweight, and extremely productive.
- Spring ActionScript (Open Source)
Cairngorm is the lightweight micro-architecture for Rich Internet Applications built in Flex or AIR. A collaboration of recognized design patterns, Cairngorm exemplifies and encourages best-practices for RIA development advocated by Adobe Consulting, encourages best-practice leverage of the underlying Flex framework, while making it easier for medium to large teams of software engineers deliver medium to large scale, mission-critical Rich Internet Applications.
Cairngorm is now evolving towards a project that will invite community leaders and enterprise adopters to partner with Adobe Consulting in the ongoing development of Cairngorm.
PureMVC is a lightweight framework for creating applications based upon the classic Model, View and Controller concept.
Based upon proven design patterns, this free, open source framework which was originally implemented in the ActionScript 3 language for use with Adobe Flex, Flash and AIR, is now being ported to all major development platforms.
Two versions of the framework are supported with reference implementations; Standard and MultiCore.
In short, the Standard Version provides a simple methodology for separating your coding interests according to the MVC concept. Beyond that, the MultiCore Version allows multiple PureMVC applications to run within the same virtual machine; modular programming.
Though the two versions are very similar they are maintained separately, because for applications that don't need modular functionality (or on development platforms that lack support for it), the Standard Version is adequate.
Mate is a tag-based, event-driven Flex framework.
Flex applications are event-driven. Mate framework has been created to make it easy to handle the events your Flex application creates. Mate allows you to define who is handling those events, whether data needs to be retrieved from the server, or other events need to be triggered.
In addition, Mate provides a mechanism for dependency injection to make it easy for the different parts of your application to get the data and objects they need.
Note: The Spring ActionScript framework was formerly known as the Prana framework and has now been moved under the Spring umbrella as a Spring Extensions project.
Spring ActionScript is an Inversion of Control (IoC) Container for ActionScript 3.0, and more specifically the Flex framework. It enables you to configure objects and components in a non-intrusive way by describing them in an external xml document and having them loaded at runtime.
At its core is a Spring-ish application context and IoC container. The xml dialect for the application context is aimed to be Spring compliant.
Further, the framework also contains utility classes for configuring and extending Cairngorm and PureMVC applications, an MVCS base architecture and general utilities. In the future we’ll be looking into adding AOP support, and we’re always open for suggestions.
Mengenal File properties pada .XML pada Project AIR
0 komentar Published by TB Saepul Anwar in AIRSetelah membuat project AIR dengan menggunakan FlexBuilder bisanya ada beberapa File dan Folder yang terbentuk misalnya terlihat pada gambar berikut:
ada file newProjectAIR.MXML dan newProjectAIR-app.XML, newProjectAIR.MXML adalah suatu aplikasi utama dan newProjectAIR-app.XML adalah propertie dari aplikasi utama. Properties tersebut isi terbagi menjadi Basic settings, Installation settings, dan Window settings
berikut isi dari newProjectAIR-app.XML
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<application xmlns=””>
<!-- <installFolder></installFolder> -->
<!-- <programMenuFolder></programMenuFolder> -->
<!-- <icon>
</icon> -->
<!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> -->
<!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> -->
<!-- <fileTypes> -->
<!-- <fileType> -->
<!-- <name></name> -->
<!-- <extension></extension> -->
<!-- <description></description> -->
<!-- <contentType></contentType> -->
<!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. -->
<!-- <icon>
</icon> -->
<!-- </fileType> -->
<!-- </fileTypes> -->
Basic settings berisi
id, ini akan digunakan untuk mengenali aplikasi dan id ini digunakan oleh kelas LocalConnection saat memverifikasi asal aplikasi dan saat update aplikasi
filename, digunakan sebagai nama file aplikasi ketika di install, nama file bisa berisi sembarang unicode (UTF-8) kecuali karakter *, “, :, >, <, ?, \, dan |
Version, ini didefinisikan oleh publisher, version ini digunakan untuk identifikasi versi aplikasi
Description, deskripsi ini akan tampil di installer saat kita menginstal aplikasi
Name, nama boleh diisi dan juga tidak tetapi dianjurkan untuk mengisinya karena ini akan muncul di title bar saat kita menginstal aplikasi. ini juga digunakan sebagai nama folder saat installasi
Copyright, informasi copyright akan muncul di OS X didalam about dialog Box
Installation settings berisi
Install folder, berisi path dari folder installasi.Tetapi pada umumnya jika ini tidak diisi maka dia akan secara default berada pada program file.
Program menu folder, hanya bisa digunakan di windows saja.
Window settings berisi:
Content dan title, content berisi deskripsi file dan title akan tampil di title window saat pertama kali muncul
System chrome, ini adalah settingan untuk bingkai pada jendela windows ada 2 value untuk ini yaitu "standard" atau"none", jika pilih none maka bingkai pada jendela windows akan hilang
transparent, ini akan berfungsi jika System chrome di set none, valuenya hanya true atau false
visible, valuenya hanya true atau false
minimizable, valuenya hanya true atau false
Adobe AIR 1.5.1 telah di Rilis
0 komentar Published Kamis, 26 Februari 2009 by TB Saepul Anwar in AIRPada tanggal 24 Februari adobe merilis Adobe AIR ver 1.5.1 versi ini sudah includes new API`s; InvokeEvent, Capabilities.cpuArchitecture. Along with an updated Adobe Flash player (version 10.0.22).
Mendebug code di Flex dan AIR, Tool tambahan Debug
1 komentar Published Selasa, 24 Februari 2009 by TB Saepul Anwar in AIR, flex, Tutorial AIR, Tutorial Flexuntuk mendebug suatu aplikasi di Flex dan AIR kita bisa menggunakan cara
menggunakan fungsi trace, fungsi ini sangat simple digunakan kita cukup mengetik trace("text"), trace(variabel) contoh :
trace("Hello World!"); // menghasilkan: "Hello World!"
var myObj:Object= {item:"item 1", desc:'This is item 1'};
trace(myObj); // menghasilkan: [object Object]
Menggunakan perpective Debug pada FlexBuilder, cara ini adalah menggunakan fasilitas FlexBuilder untuk mendebug dengan memberikan breakpoint pada baris kode. dan debuger pada aplikasi akan membaca code satu persatu sesuai dengan urutan code-nya jika pada baris ada sebuah breakpoint maka dia akan berhenti pada titik tersebut dan memperlihatkan kondisi variable pada baris tersebut.
contoh sederhana menggunakan breakpoint pada debug,
1. Buat project flex dengan nama latihanDebug kemudian file latihanDebug.MXML diisi code berikut:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
layout="absolute" creationComplete="init()">
private function init():void{
var x:int=1;
var y:int=2;
var z:int=0;
2. save dan kemudian, buat masuk ke mode Flex Debugging, kemudian buat breakpoint pada line dengan mengklik dua kali pada nomor baris baris, misal seperti ini:
kemudian jalankan debug dengan mengklik icon debug ato tekan tombol F11, dan akan menghasilkan seperti ini
untuk melanjutkan debug bisa mengklik tombol resume
gambar tombol resume
Bila debug terus dilanjutkan sampai posisi breakpoint terakhir maka hasil dari z adalah 3;
Selain menggunakan fungsi trace perpective Debug kita bisa juga Menggunakan tool Debug tambahan, ada beberapa tool Debug tambahan yang bisa dipakai untuk men-debug code di Flex dan AIR. ada pun aplikasi tersebut adalah :
cara menggunakan De Monster Debugger
- Download aplikasi dari webnya dari web demonsterdebugger
- Instal di PC kita
- buat project di Flex atau AIR
- Export Class ke File Project kita
- import library nl.demonsters.debugger.MonsterDebugger dan kemudian gunakan MonsterDebugger.trace(parameter, "text") kedalam code, misalnya : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- Kemudian Run atau jalankan aplikasi, maka akan terlihat seperti ini
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
layout="absolute" initialize="init()">
// Import the debugger
import nl.demonsters.debugger.MonsterDebugger;
// Variable to hold the debugger
private var debugger:MonsterDebugger;
private function onInit():void
// Init the debugger
debugger = new MonsterDebugger(this);
// Send a simple trace
MonsterDebugger.trace(this, "Hello World!");
Menghubungkan 2 Aplikasi AIR,Tapi Kok Error #2044
1 komentar Published Minggu, 22 Februari 2009 by TB Saepul Anwar in AIRcoba-coba menggunakan fungsi LocalConnection untuk menghubungkan 2 aplikasi AIR,tetapi setelah di coba kok error....
Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: was unable to invoke callback TampilData. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property TampilData not found on reicever and there is no default value.
coba lihat code di bawah :
Aplikasi Air 1 sebagi sender;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
private var kirimConn:LocalConnection=new LocalConnection();
private function kirimData():void
var namaLengkap:String=nama.text;
kirimConn.send("_myConnection", "TampilData",namaLengkap)
<mx:Form x="0" y="0" width="341" height="174">
<mx:FormItem label="Nama lengkap">
<mx:TextInput id="nama"/>
<mx:Button label="Kirim Data" click="kirimData()"/>
Aplikasi Air 2 sebagi receiver:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
layout="absolute" applicationComplete="init();">
private var terimaConn:LocalConnection=new LocalConnection();
private function init():void{
private function TampilData(s:String):void{
<mx:TextArea x="167" y="88" width="221" height="131" id="nama"/>
Ada yang tahu kenapa???
Bacaan Lainnya yang berhubungan dengan AIR Connection
Latihan Membuat Native Window di AIR
0 komentar Published by TB Saepul Anwar in AIR, Tutorial AIRDi AIR terdapat Fasilitas untuk membuat window dengan nama Native window, umumnya aplikasi yang menggunakan native window mudah dalam hal release memory daripada menggunakan single window.kita mulai saja membuat Native window di AIR
1. buat project di AIR namakan dengan ProjectNativeWindows
2. ProjectNativeWindows.MXML isi dengan kode berikut:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
import windows.MyNativeWindow
private var win:MyNativeWindow;
private function openWindow():void{
win=new MyNativeWindow();;
private function CloseWindow():void{
<mx:Button label="open window" click="openWindow()" x="248" y="132"/>
<mx:Button label="Close Window" click="CloseWindow()" x="248" y="162"/>
3. buat folder pada folder scr dengan nama windows
4. buat komponen berdasarkan (based on) window nama kan dengan MyNativeWindow
5. isi file MyNativeWindow.MXML dengan kode berikut :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Window xmlns:mx=""
title="My NativeWindows">
private function TampilFullScreen():void{
private function TampilNormal():void{
<mx:Button label="close" click="close()" x="171.5" y="156"/>
<mx:Button label="FullScreen" click="TampilFullScreen()" x="156.5" y="79"/>
<mx:Button label="NormalScreen" click="TampilNormal()" x="146" y="109"/>
Oke slamat mencoba..
Happy coding with Flex and AIR
Garbage Collection, Flex Performance, Memory Management, & Object Caching
0 komentar Published Jumat, 20 Februari 2009 by TB Saepul Anwar in AIR, flexif you have problem with memory management try this blog and read, hope can help you
Kumpulan Aplikasi AIR yang keren (2)
0 komentar Published Jumat, 13 Februari 2009 by TB Saepul Anwar in AIR-
GMDesk is an application that lets you run Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs and Google Maps as a stand-alone application to do all your mail handling, calendar event reading etc with.
ReadAir is a desktop client for Google Reader.
Google Analytics Reporting Suite
Google Analytics Reporting Suite brings Google Analytics to the desktop, with a host of features that help you understand how your website is performing and where you can improve.
Photo & Video
Adobe AIR applications that allow you to search, edit, save or upload photo and video.
Flickr Desktop Search
Desktop Search is an Adobe AIR based utility which helps you to search Flickr images. -
ImageDropr is a new tool for uploading your images to flickr. This application takes a unique approach towards preparing your content, titles, tags, etc. by creating tools that expedite this process.
Flickr Flipper
Flickr Flipper allows you to search for Flickr photos and also search for photos from specific Flickr users. It uses Papervision to display the photos one at a time and even allows you to download the photo to your computer.
Snoto Photo is a desktop application for browsing your recent photos as well as the recent photos of others. You can also do a slideshow of the photos.
FLVPlay HD plays your local or remote flv and mp4 videos, as well as the ones from the YouTube servers which are available via the “Search” feature of the application.
AIRTube Video Downloader
AIRTube Video Downloader allows you to download YouTube FLV videos by simply dragging or pasting in the video’s URL. After the video downloads the application will expand and show you a preview of the video.
RichFLV allows you to read and edit FLV data. You can cut FLVs, convert the sound of the flv to mp3 and convert flv to swf.
UvLayer is a social video application where you can discover, watch, collect and share video media. Searching currently focuses on videos from YouTube and Truveo.
A desktop application that helps you to manage and watch both online and offline FLVs videos. More than a simple flv player, build your own FLV library and save your compilations in playlists.
Adobe Media Player
Adobe Media Player allows you to queue up and download your favorite Internet TV content, track and download new episodes automatically, and manage your personal video library for viewing at your convenience.
Adoeb AIR tools that sharpen your design skill.
Websnapshot allows you type a URL then take a snapshot using one of the three sizing methods; Thumbnail, Browser or fullpage view.
Shrink O’Matic is an AIR application to easily (batch) resize (shrink) images. It handles JPGs, GIFs and PNGs.
colorPicker is a widget-like AIR application that lets you either choose a “web-safe” color from a color grid or design a color using sliders to adjust the red, green, and blue values of the color.
ColourLovers Desktop Color Finder
Desktop Color Finder lets you search our entire database of nearly 1 million named colors and more than 300,00 user created color palettes.
Font Picker
Font picker allows you to find the right font for the job.
Icon Generator
Icon Generator is a little application that lets you generate a CS3 or Web 2.0 style icon, only 3 step. Pick color, type characters, and save it.
WebKut is an AIR application that allows you to capture web pages, or parts of them in a very simple way.
Color Browser
Color Browser is a simple way to create and organize your favorite color palettes. Sets of colors are easily viewable in a clean interface.
Photoshop Express Uploader
Photoshop Express Uploader lets you drag and drop photos from your desktop to upload to Photoshop Express.
Adobe AIR applications that allow you to communicate with microblogs easier and faster.
TweetDeck is an Adobe Air desktop application that aims to evolve the existing functionality of Twitter by taking an abundance of information.
Alert Thingy
Alert Thingy allows users to see the data stream from people they follow on FriendFeed, and post new messages directly to the service.
Life streaming to your desktop. View, rate and comment on what your friends are sharing online, using one simple and easy to use desktop tool.
MySocial AIR
MySocial is the newest Twitter/FriendFeed desktop app on the block, although MySocial has previously released a Firefox sidebar addon that offers similar functionality.
Twhirl connects to multiple Twitter,, Friendfeed and seesmic accounts.
Posty simplifies your microblogging. All you have to do is writing the message and clicking a button. Posty will automatically deliver your message to the services you selected.
Toro is a very simple Twitter client that aims for a speedier Twitter.
Spaz is a Twitter client for users who value free, open-source software, attractive design, and customizability
bTT lets you receive update from friendfee, post to friendfeed, send and receive tweets with twitter out of one application on your desktop.
Tweetr lets you send files to your friends, but just dragging any file on to Tweetr. Tweetr will automatically upload your file and when it is done will provide a short url to send to your friends
Social Network
Adobe AIR applications that blend your favourite social networks into your desktop.
DiggTop is an application for Windows and MacOSX that lets you view a blended list of your favourite Digg topic or keyword feeds.
facedesk is an application that, when installed, becomes a stand-alone application to do all your Facebook surfing with.
Flair is a free, easy to install application that lets you know whenever you’re poked, or someone writes on your wall, or adds you as a friend - without having to constantly check the Facebook website or your email.
Now all your contacts are in one place wherever you are. There’s no need to create an account and you only have to add details for the other IM networks once.
The Digg mini client brings the latest news from Digg to your desktop. It also allows you to store the stories to your computer.
Other useful desktop Adobe AIR applications.
Wordpress Comment Moderator
Moderator is a WordPress Plugin and associated desktop application, built using Adobe AIR, that allows you to view and moderate comments from your desktop.
Apprise Reader
Apprise lets you read all your news in one place, and share it all in one place, too. With built-in support for over ten different ways to share stories,
Ora Time and Expense
Ora Time and Expense is a small easy-to-use application for tracking and generating timesheets, expense reports, and invoices.
Timeloc is a desktop widget that keeps track of the time you have spent working on a job or project. It will no longer be a case of guess work as to how much you need to bill your clients or assign to a project
Doomi is a simple to-do-list application that designed to stay out of your way, be easy to use and look pretty.
Klok is a tool intended to be used by individuals, who have a need to track the time they spend on projects, tasks or anything else for that matter.
MiniTask is a FREE, fast and easy-to-use task management application that helps you with organising your daily todos more efficiently.
Agile Agenda
Agile Agenda is a project scheduling utility focused on allowing project managers to enter data about tasks. The software is capable of dynamically adjusting to changing conditions that occur during a project life cycle.
Xdrive Desktop Lite
Xdrive Desktop Lite allows you to easily upload files and folders right from your hard drive, desktop, USB devices, or removable storage drives directly into your Xdrive web storage.
AirTalkr is a multi-protocol Instant Messenger that connects to MSN, Yahoo!, GTalk, AOL and ICQ. Not only that, it also has connects to to various Web 2.0 services like Flickr and YouTube.
Pownce Desktop 2.0
Pownce makes it even faster to read and send notes to your friends
- CL Desktop
- Craigslist is huge, and this application just makes sense. It’s easy to use and saves you time with saved searches and the ability to view pictures right from the original list. - EarthBrowser
- EarthBrowser is a revolutionary new platform for viewing and creating geographically based information. - ebay Desktop
- eBay Desktop is made for search, bidding, browsing, and watching. It’s all there, with a brand new interface. - Finetune Desktop
- Finetune Desktop gives you quick access to your custom playlists and will keep track of your favorite music from Finetune. - Pandora Desktop
- With the Pandora Desktop Application, you can play your Pandora stations right from your desktop – without opening a new browser window. - Snackr
- Snackr is a RSS ticker that pulls random items from your feeds and scrolls them across your desktop. When you see a title that looks interesting, you can click on it to pop up the item in a window. - AIR iPhone
- AIR iPhone is a desktop application created with Adobe AIR and Adobe Flex 3, it simulates the UI of the iPhone. It has the capabilities to make calls, receive calls, check voicemail, add contacts and even send voice messages. - Adobe Developer Connection Developer Desktop
- Adobe Developer Connection Developer Desktop (ADC Desktop) is an Adobe AIR application that delivers a number of helpful resources for Developers.
Resources, tutorials and collections of Adobe AIR applications.
airapps Wiki
A collection of Adobe® AIR™ applications out in the wild that the community can update.
An online community site, built using their own products and targeted to support developers building open source projects for our products and platform.
Apollo Hunter
A community to share and download Adobe AIR applications with no cost.
The ultimate resource for enthusiasts of Adobe AIR.
Adobe AIR Marketplace
Adobe AIR Marketplace is a place where AIR developers can publish their Adobe AIR applications for users to download.
Adobe Air Tutorials
Adobe AIR Tutorials. Articles, resources, tutorials, and downloads.
Refreshing Apps
Adobe AIR application showcase and resources.
sumber :
My Profil

- TB Saepul Anwar
- I'm Flex and AIR Fan's also Entrepreneur, I like Flex and AIR because i like make code with MXML and AS 3.0 and enjoy the Flash Output. My backgroud is Multimedia, I Like design, Video, 3D, and animation.
Arsip Blog
- IDE untuk pengembangan FLEX dan AIR
- Framework MVC di Flex dan AIR
- Mengenal File properties pada .XML pada Project AIR
- Adobe AIR 1.5.1 telah di Rilis
- Mendebug code di Flex dan AIR, Tool tambahan Debug
- Menghubungkan 2 Aplikasi AIR,Tapi Kok Error #2044
- Latihan Membuat Native Window di AIR
- Garbage Collection, Flex Performance, Memory Manag...
- Kumpulan Aplikasi AIR yang keren (2)
- Kumpulan Aplikasi AIR yang Keren
- Create Skinnable Application Using Flex + AIR
- 25 OpenSource PHP Framework
- Membuat add button pada TabNavigator
- XML di Flex
- AIR (18)
- Android (2)
- BlazeDS (1)
- flex (20)
- my Activities (4)
- php (1)
- Playbook (1)
- Project (1)
- Tutorial AIR (2)
- Tutorial Flex (2)